Engage, develop, and support.
At Reach, we strive to deliver the highest quality activities provision.

Developing Skills
Reach has two arms to the service, one that is an environment in which individuals have an opportunity to understand their role within the service, this is the training environment that follows social enterprise values.
The other is the Community interest company (CIC), the social enterprise.
Both environments always have a team of dedicated and qualified support technicians to support and assess an individual’s wellbeing requirements.
Once we understand the specific support requirements; we will work in a respectful dignified way towards their goals and needs as agreed in co-production with the individual and set out in the support plans.
Future plans are to include a more specific work-based environments which in turn will offer the people who access the provision to be involved in workspaces. This will take the form of retail outlets, cafes, hospitality etc.
Regardless of an individual’s ability, understanding the skills needed for an independent life is key.
Together, we will create a task plan that is appropriate and specific to the individual to support them towards better independence, as well as identify those who require more specific specialist support.
While using the training aspect of the service will allow us and the individual to understand better what their skills are.
Once identified they will work on these strengths on the projects with the hope that maybe one day they can move to a more structured project within the main social enterprise.
However, if the person is ok being in the training arm of the service, this is fine, and they will enjoy the many opportunities that this service offers. This will ensure that the service is open to everyone regardless of their ability.
Engaging a person in their support and having time to talk and listen to them without rushing off to the next task, goes a long way to helping someone feel valued, wanted and important.
Conversing with family and friends is also an important part of someone’s support. Linking individuals and rekindling old relationships is the key to the well-being of someone, and this is reflected in the support that we provide.
We also actively encourage feedback from individuals and their support networks. We implement any changes implicit from constructive feedback and pass on compliments to the relevant staff members to encourage them further in their outstanding delivery.
We believe that offering a reliance based support is the best way to engage with individuals, this ensures people don’t become to dependant on us which in turn encourages them to become more independent in their lives.